Painted on old hand-made roof tile
What this evokes in my deep tired wild soul is the longing to be de-humanised. I reclaim my torn wings, my beak, my fungus and my tentacles. I am compost, stars, ancestors – all dissolving into rooted cosmological flight.
About the Author
A bit raven, part mycelium, mostly water, Azul Thome’ is an eARTh artist, soul activist, designer of rituals and visionary. After doing a Master of Arts in Ecological Design at Schumacher College that she titled “Collective Grief Rituals as if Life and Death Really Matter, ” she founded SOULand to then offer Grief Composting circles, once a week, in the village hall in Dartington. In 2016/17 she travelled the world to teach ways of feeding our starved souls and to find apprentices in Soul Activism. At present she is writing “A Living Art – Pathososphy: Wisdom born of Suffering and Grief.” SOULand: –
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