

I have painted many works inspired by nature, having grown up on a farm in Norway. One of the most obvious and local signs of global warming here is the rapid melting of the glaciers. I have hiked on glaciers that no longer exist.

I painted the blue and white mountain range in the spring of 2022 as I thought back on earlier days of  hiking and climbing in and on glaciers up north.  For at least twenty years, Svellnåsbreen,Svartisen and more have been melting away. 

 The second  painting was inspired by a visit to Svalbard. My goal was to capture a glacier calving into the ocean but as the painting evolved I saw a Norwegian troll emerging out of the glacier, coming at me, and he seemed to be trying to warn the world. 

About the Author

Siri Næss is a Norwegian artist in her 80s who started painting in her 50s.

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