Page 213 - Dark Matter:Women Witnessing Issue #3 - December 2015
P. 213

Dark Matter: Women Witnessing - December, 2015 Issue #3 - EXTINCTION / DEVOTION

As I place an egg in a stream I am entrusting the possibility of new life into the tumbling 

flow that dances fresh and cool over the mossy stones. It is a sunny day in January. I 

remove my shoes, roll up my jeans and step barefoot into the icy water. I can barely 

keep my balance. My feet are numb and the stones are so slippery. But I cannot hold 

onto an overhanging branch or reach into the stream to steady myself on a rock because 

I have an egg in each hand that must be protected at all costs.

On the sacred mountain I come upon a cache of plastic water bottles. The elephants 

have told me that they are thirsty. I pour water on parched ground, becoming rain. Later, 

I learn that at the base of the mountain, at the exact same moment, my friend has also 

poured water for the elephants. That afternoon, we watch as the cloudless sky darkens 

and rain comes in person.

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