Page 215 - Dark Matter:Women Witnessing Issue #3 - December 2015
P. 215

Dark Matter: Women Witnessing - December, 2015 Issue #3 - EXTINCTION / DEVOTION

question sits on my shoulder: Am I willing—am I able—to depend on the community and 

on the Spirits, that fully? Thus far, no.)

We say that a soldier who dies has made the ‘ultimate sacrifice’. But if that death is 

without clear intention, what is the message to the Other World? To shed blood 

mindlessly, with nothing more than terror or hatred in one’s heart, creates confusion at 

best. Little wonder, then, that we are beset by such a massive spiral of death in 

response to our heedless ways.

To squander Earth’s gifts is an active insult. It creates chaos. And yet the living world 

continues to be generous. For me, this generosity is an expression of the original order 

of things and making offerings is a way to show gratitude for the fact that, in spite of 

everything, there are fragments of intactness glistening amid the wreckage wrought by 

hierarchical, linear western thinking. When I am connected to the Holy, when I can see

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