Page 211 - Dark Matter:Women Witnessing Issue #3 - December 2015
P. 211
Dark Matter: Women Witnessing - December, 2015 Issue #3 - EXTINCTION / DEVOTION
mound, recognized, like double-trunked trees, as one of the many homes of the spirits.
When we returned to the termite mound a couple of hours later, we found it covered in
white chalk dust. Our western minds reeled.
This experience and others like it awoke in me a hunger for the magic of a felt
connection to the Invisible. The consensual reality of the west, and the structures that
support it (cities, cars, houses, jobs, schools, churches, etc.), seem designed to keep the
Life Force contained and, therefore, separate from our daily focus on things and results,
and to reinforce the illusion that humans are in control. Prayers are uttered, blessings
are wished for, Magic is invited in - but always with the expectation that Magic will come
to us. To make an offering is to deliberately extend our hand toward the Other World, so
that Mystery can reach out and touch us in return. In opening the hand to make an
offering, the language of Magic runs from our fingertips into other dimensions to
establish an authentic, lived connection with the Other World in order to express
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