Young Pagan Goddess
Andrea Nicki
6-year-old girl
has a pet ladybug
for half-an-hour.
She puts it in a small
container with
bits of green leaves,
draws a picture of
the ladybug and of a girl
with a ladybug-pendant
around her neck,
then lets the tiny creature go.
Working Notes
This poem was inspired by an actual experience with a 6-year-old girl who was a new Canadian immigrant from Taiwan. At the time, I was teaching English classes as part of a children's afterschool program. She showed me the ladybug and then later when I asked her about it she said that she let it go and gave me this picture.
drawing by 6-year-old Tingting Chan
About the author
Andrea Nicki has a Ph.D. in feminist philosophy and has had writing published in book anthologies and journals including Hypatia and Sinister Wisdom. Her first collection of poetry, Welcoming, will be published in Spring 2009 by Inanna Press, Toronto, Canada.
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