Page 186 - Dark Matter:Women Witnessing Issue #3 - December 2015
P. 186

Exploring Mara’s home region with a local boy, Peru

I wrote a second draft, and after we came back to the U.S., started a third. By then I was gestating a 

new big project requiring high levels of devotion—a baby. Two weeks before my son was born, with 

three different versions of the book tangled in my mind, I decided to take a break and focus on 

motherhood. Mara let me go. We were both sure I would come back.


We don't always choose the stories we wind up carrying. Like we don't choose the children we are 

called upon to raise; they exist because of us and yet are independent of us.

I have often questioned why this woman—this spirit, muse, spark of inspiration—chose me to carry her 

story. I couldn’t have been the first to pick up that pebble, but maybe I was the first to listen deeply 

enough to hear her. The first one crazy enough to say yes.

Perhaps she chose me for my youth, knowing it might take a lifetime to write her story. For six years, 

she waited—through my fractured nights with two babies, through exhaustion and distraction, months 

when I hardly remembered her. When finally I had the space inside my head to return to her, I was 

relieved and daunted to find she was still there.

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